Baker Elementary School

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Distinguished School Award
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Staff Directory

All staff emails have the same format.  First name initial followed by last name

Example:  Chris Barbara   email:  [email protected]

Title E-Mail  Phone (408) Location
Principal Jenna Naylor   874-3205  Office
Assistant Principal Laura Wiley  874-3213    Office
Admin Assistant Deborah Waters  874-3201    Office
Office Assistant Kathleen Villanueva  874-3202  Office
Psychologist Laura Firme  874-3212
 Media Center/ Conference Room
TK Lesley Kubo  874-3281  K2
TK/Kindergarten Michelle Santos  874-3240  K1
Kindergarten Amanda Gurtler   874-3241  K5
Kindergarten Melinda Arndt   874-3283    K3
First  874-3223   4 
First Sierra Vance/Impey  874-3222   3 
Second Connie Reak  874-3224  5 
Second Heidi Herschbach  874-3220  1
First/Second Erica Paisley 874-3225  6
Third Julie Schaller  874-3287  23
Third Toren Sanford    874-3233   10
Third Angela Amico  874-3231  12
Fourth  874-3235  16
Fourth Amy Koenig  874-3286   22 
Fifth Brenda Valine  874-3238  18
Fifth Jennifer Howe  874- 3239  17
SDC 1-2 Chloe Le 874-3221   2 
SDC 3-5 Angela Sanchez  874-3234  9
TSDC 2-5 Andy Romero  874-3228  13
RSP Maegan Bright  874-3218  25
Speech Morgan Shuster  874-3237  19
Art Vista Sunghee Jang 874-3236 20
Library Media Specialist Sara McCloskey  874-3215   Media Center
CASSY Counselor Betsy Lovely 874-3248  7
Attendance Line   874-3210